Reflection and Next Steps

Based on your results of the work wheel you will be able to discern the really important elements that matter to you in your work or job role and start to identify the sort of working environment you wish to work in.

If you get very low scores in some of these areas, especially around your working environment or culture and your relationships at work. These low scores might indicate some underlying messages here about where you are currently working and how their culture might not fit well with your values or motivate you.

When you have finished this exercise please take some time to seriously reflect on the results. Think through the reasons for each of your scores and record your thoughts and reasons as before.

Next Steps

Please think about your scores on some of these questions from both the life and work wheels and make notes on the following: 

·      Start to reflect on how you could gain higher scores in some sections.

·      What changes would you need to make?

·      How could you improve some of your scores?

·      What would a ten look like in each section?

·      What would you need to do to get yourself into higher scores for each area?

·      How do you feel about the look of your coaching wheels now that you can see visual interpretations of them?

·      Are there any surprises?

·      What are the key areas that you would like to improve and feed these into a plan?

·      As you start to prioritise areas for development ask yourself what will your first baby steps be to start implementing change.


Make some notes to record your thoughts and feelings about your results and start to prioritise the areas that need the most work or development. We encourage you to repeat this exercise regularly and review your notes so you can recognise and acknowledge your progress toward reaching your goals.

This course is the first in a short series of Spotlight courses covering work-life balance and personal growth. The next one is Spotlight on Personal Growth which will take you through a series of tools aimed at building a road map for you to start working towards in terms of building an action plan aimed at moving you closer towards your goals.


Lesson Summary

Through the work wheel exercise, you can identify crucial elements in your job role and preferred working environment, as well as evaluate the alignment of your current workplace culture with your values.

  • Low scores in certain areas may suggest misalignment with your workplace culture or relationships.
  • Reflect on the results to understand your scores and reasons behind them.

Consider the following steps after reflecting on your life and work wheel scores:

  • Think about how to improve scores in different sections.
  • Identify necessary changes you would need to make.
  • Reflect on what achieving a perfect score of 10 in each section would entail.
  • Plan actions to enhance your scores in various areas.
  • Assess your feelings after visually interpreting the coaching wheels and note any surprises.
  • Highlight key areas for improvement and integrate them into a development plan.
  • Prioritize areas to work on and outline initial steps toward implementing change.

Regularly revisit this exercise, review your notes, and track progress towards your goals. This course is part of a Spotlight series on work-life balance and personal growth, with the next segment focusing on Personal Growth and providing tools for creating an action plan to progress towards your objectives.

Lesson Summary

Through the work wheel exercise, you can identify crucial elements in your job role and preferred working environment, as well as evaluate the alignment of your current workplace culture with your values. Low scores in certain areas may suggest misalignment with your workplace culture or relationships. Reflect on the results to understand your scores and reasons behind them.

Consider the following steps after reflecting on your life and work wheel scores:

  • Think about how to improve scores in different sections.
  • Identify necessary changes you would need to make.
  • Reflect on what achieving a perfect score of 10 in each section would entail.
  • Plan actions to enhance your scores in various areas.
  • Assess your feelings after visually interpreting the coaching wheels and note any surprises.
  • Highlight key areas for improvement and integrate them into a development plan.
  • Prioritize areas to work on and outline initial steps toward implementing change.
  • Regularly revisit this exercise, review your notes, and track progress towards your goals.

This course is part of a Spotlight series on work-life balance and personal growth, with the next segment focusing on Personal Growth and providing tools for creating an action plan to progress towards your objectives.

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